There is truth in data, but you need to know where to look.

At Deducive, we apply traditional analytics and new machine learning techniques to help growing brands have more meaningful, honest conversations — and make better decisions with their money.

Our custom-built clickstream analytics systems make it possible to measure, plan, and predict on a scale and specificity never before possible. By combining creativity and data science in one process, we lower risks to action and encourage new creative directions that challenge the status quo.

The Deducive origin story

Deducive was founded in 2017 by Jason Kowal and Paul Newnes, two veteran entrepreneurs and agency owners. We came together to fill a technical skills gap that exists in many top-tier agencies and in-house marketing teams. Our job is to combine our clients’ great ideas with evidence-based strategy and performance analysis.

Our team originally met in London 20 years ago, but today we call Washington, DC and Manchester, UK home.



Jason Kowal, CEO

Expert in analytics and performance marketing. Practice areas include growth strategy, digital advertising, and market research.

Throughout his career, Jason has applied his marketing expertise and affinity for primary source data to advise hundreds of clients, including startup brands and blue chips like AT&T, Google, New Balance, T Rowe Price, and Volkswagen.

Prior to starting Deducive, Jason founded a multi-million dollar creative agency and worked for management consultancy Analysys. In the first 10 years of his career, he built market research firm TeleGeography from broom closet to global brand with clients in 100 countries.

Jason’s writing, interviews, and infographics have appeared in hundreds of publications, including The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and The Economist. He has given presentations (and told bad jokes) at conferences in the US, Europe, and Asia. Before all this started, he earned an honors B.A. degree in Political Science from Tufts University.



Expert in analytics and data science. Practice areas include systems development, marketing attribution, and server-side analytics.

Paul has spent the last 20 years of his career in a startup or leading a business through times of revolutionary technological change. Paul's skill set centers on marketing technology and data science.

Paul started out in sales and marketing within the then-recently deregulated telecommunications sector in the UK. His success in telecom led to a key role in the founding of the world’s first bandwidth exchange, Band-X.

Subsequently Paul turned his focus to founding digital agency Brick+Bond (now Draw Group) in New York City. During his 12 years building the business, he orchestrated digital campaigns for major brands including AP, Chegg, Estée Lauder, and Möet Hennessy. 

Paul holds a masters degree in Innovation & Change Management from York Business School, an undergraduate degree in Biology from Manchester University and a number of professional certifications in Statistics and Data Analytics. He is within the top 10% of Stack Overflow contributors for the R programming language.

Deducive Is Part of Tribe Global

Deducive is part of Tribe Global, a network of 40 independent advertising, digital, and experiential agencies. Tribe members are truly global: we have offices in 100 cities spanning the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.



Nuri Djavit

Creative mastermind. Veteran adman, brand builder, and product developer. Trained in industrial design. Lover of motorcycles. UK native, now weaving through Los Angeles traffic.

 Jonathan Palmatier

Veteran innovator. Digital product leader at Amazon and Comcast. Wharton MBA. Taught the world how to talk to their television — and get a response.


Adam Kowal

Master ScrumMaster. Expert in software product management and telling the truth. Built SaaS before it was called SaaS. Intuit veteran shifted to infosec and biotech.