How Craft Breweries Can Turn Web Analytics into Business Insight

When it comes to web analytics, craft breweries are in the same position as many small- to medium-size companies. Websites are built primarily to tell stories and engage the fan base. Gathering useful data for business decision-making is typically an afterthought, especially since brewers can't sell their product online. Free tools like Google Analytics tell you a lot about general site traffic, but getting real decision-making insight is another matter.

But the data is important, and could tell you a lot.


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Why Health Care Organizations Should Care More About Web Analytics

Health care organizations – hospitals, physician practices, and specialist clinics – are primarily concerned with keeping their patients healthy and happy. But they’re businesses too, and they operate in a highly competitive environment. To succeed at both, health care organizations should do everything they can with data and analytics to understand their patients and optimize the patient experience.

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