How Google Affiliate Location Extensions Are Failing Small Manufacturers

Google Affiliate Location Extensions have huge potential to drive offline sales. They make it possible for a manufacturer to advertise directly to active shoppers near a retail location that carries their product. 

But if your product isn’t available at a national chain like Target or Costco, you are out of luck.  We have a solution.

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How to AI-Wash Your Company in 3 Easy Steps

The wait is over, Artificial Intelligence is here. If your company isn’t doing it, start looking for a new job. Obsolescence, decline, and/or bankruptcy are around the corner.

The evidence is everywhere. Take for example drinks giant Coca-Cola, which used the mighty power of Artificial Intelligence to come up with a new flavor, Cherry Sprite, based on the mixes we puny humans selected from their make-your-own “Freestyle” machines.

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The Top 25 Coolest Data Science Terms

Machine Learning. Neural Networks. Hierarchical Clustering.

Does anyone know what these terms really mean? Sure, a handful of nerds know. Like the roughly 50,000 ranked Kaggle members.

But these esoteric terms only scratch the surface of what the world’s data scientists have come up with to describe, promote, and ultimately obfuscate their day to day jobs.

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Adapt or Die: How AI Will Redefine Creativity in Marketing

Unless you’ve been living under a covfefe, you’ve probably heard that we’re living in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Most creatives and marketers file AI in the hype bucket with good reason. It’s hard to imagine artificial intelligence equating to creative intelligence. But AI is coming for us all, and those that are unprepared to seize new opportunities will become irrelevant.

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Jason Kowal
Small Business, Big Data, and the Myth of Self-Service Analytics

Successful SME marketers thoroughly understand what it takes to compete: a strong website, content strategy, CRM, and multichannel engagement plan. But as all the tactics stack up, so does the data. It’s harder and harder to know what works and which steps in the customer journey are most important.

This is not a new problem, but it is one that large enterprises have largely solved by investing in big data strategy and analytics platforms. 


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Smaller Banks Can Take on Megabanks with AI and Predictive Modeling

Whether you’re a regional bank, a community bank, or a credit union, managing your data infrastructure is a tough job. Margins are tight and running legacy systems requires constant vigilance. Finding the time and resources to exploit advancements in big data technology isn’t easy. And there’s so much noise around big data it’s hard to tell where the marketing jargon ends and reality begins, so getting organizational buy-in can be a big challenge.

But community banks don’t have a choice. It’s a matter of survival. National banks are winning the next generation of customers and big data is a big advantage. 


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